AE 19: Version your housing model
Application exercise
Load the data
Build a model
- Log transform the price variable
- Split into training/test set
housing_split <- housing |>
mutate(price = log10(price)) |>
initial_split(prop = 0.8)
housing_train <- training(housing_split)
housing_test <- testing(housing_split)
Train a linear regression model:
<- workflow() |>
housing_fit add_formula(price ~ ______) |>
add_model(linear_reg()) |>
fit(data = housing_train)
Create a deployable model object
<- vetiver_model(
v model = ______,
model_name = ______
) v
# create a vetiver model with a custom description
Pin your model
<- ______
board |> ______(v) board
# retrieve your model metadata
|> pin_meta(______) board
Store a new version
Train your model with a new algorithm:
<- workflow() |>
housing_fit add_formula(price ~ ______) |>
add_model(linear_reg()) |>
fit(data = housing_train)
Store this new model as a new version of the same pin:
<- vetiver_model(model = ______, model_name = ______, versioned = TRUE)
v |> ______(v) board
What versions do you have?
|> pin_versions(______) board
Create a new {vetiver} model
Fit a random forest model
rf_rec <- recipe(price ~ beds + baths + area + year_built + town, data = housing_train) |>
step_impute_mean(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
housing_fit <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(rf_rec) |>
add_model(rand_forest(trees = 200, mode = "regression")) |>
fit(data = housing_train)
Store your model:
v <- vetiver_model(housing_fit, model_name = "random forest", versioned = TRUE)
board |> vetiver_pin_write(v)
Model Card
Open the Model Card template in RStudio by choosing “File” ➡️ “New File” ➡️ “R Markdown” ➡️ “From Template” ➡️ “Vetiver Model Card”.
Create a vetiver REST API
pr() |>
______(v) |>
Call your new API endpoints
Run your API in the background
Create a new plumber API R script:
vetiver_write_plumber(board = ______, name = ______)
Then run plumber-run.R
as a background job. This will allow you to run the API locally and still access the console.
Return predictions from your model API:
<- ______
url <- ______(url)
endpoint predict(endpoint, slice_sample(housing_test, n = 10))
Optional: try /metadata
or /ping
<- ______
request(url) |>
req_perform() |>
- Materials derived in part from Intro to MLOps with {vetiver} and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) License.