HW 05 - Document and deploy models
This homework is due December 6 at 11:59pm ET.
Learning objectives
- Train and evaluate a machine learning model.
- Document a machine learning model using a model card.
- Publish a machine learning model as an Application Programming Interface (API).
- Deploy an API using reproducible Docker containers.
Getting started
Go to the info4940-fa24 organization on GitHub. Click on the repo with the prefix hw-05. It contains the starter documents you need to complete the homework.
Clone the repo and start a new project in RStudio.
Guidelines + tips
- Set your random seed to ensure reproducible results.
- Use caching to speed up the rendering process.
- Use parallel processing to speed up rendering time. Note that this works differently on different systems and operating systems, and it also makes it harder to debug code and track progress in model fitting. Use at your own discretion.
For the love of all that is pure in this world, please consider how to present the results of your modeling efforts. Do not just rely on raw output from R to tell us what we need to know.
- Your plots should include an informative title, axes should be labeled, and careful consideration should be given to aesthetic choices.
- Maybe condense information into one or a handful of custom graphs.
- You can create simple formatted tables using {gt}
Remember that continuing to develop a sound workflow for reproducible data analysis is important as you complete this homework and other assignments in this course. There will be periodic reminders in this assignment to remind you to render, commit, and push your changes to GitHub. You should have at least 3 commits with meaningful commit messages by the end of the assignment.
Workflow + formatting
Make sure to
- Update author name on your document.
- Label all code chunks informatively and concisely.
- Follow the Tidyverse code style guidelines.
- Make at least 3 commits.
- Resize figures where needed, avoid tiny or huge plots.
- Turn in an organized, well formatted document.
The General Social Survey is a biannual survey of the American public.
Over the past twenty years, American attitudes towards marijuana have softened extensively. In the early 2010s, the number of Americans who believed marijuana should be legal began to outnumber those who thought it should not be legal.
contains a selection of variables from the 2022 GSS. The outcome of interest grass
is a factor variable coded as either "should be legal"
(respondent believes marijuana should be legal) or "should not be legal"
(respondent believes marijuana should not be legal).
You can find the documentation for each of the available variables using the GSS Data Explorer. Just search by the column name to find the associated description.
Exercise 0 - Train a model to predict marijuana attitudes
Train a machine learning model to predict whether an individual believes marijuana should be legal or not legal. The data has been partitioned into three distinct sets:
- the training set -
- the validation set -
- the test set
Use the training set to train and compare models and the validation set to evaluate your final model’s performance. You do not have access to the test set. The course staff will evaluate your model’s performance using the test set.
Use best practices as taught throughout the semester. The end result should be a {vetiver} model object pinned to a board that you can use to make predictions and deploy the model. Feel free to use the shared Google Cloud Storage board we used for previous application exercises, or create your own.
Note that you are not submitting the code for training and evaluating your model as part of this homework assignment. You need to estimate a model in order to complete the assignment, but it is not the focus of the assignment. We are evaluating your ability to document and deploy a model, not your ability to train a model.
Feel free to use whatever organizational system makes sense to you for training your models (e.g. standalone R scripts, Quarto documents).
Exercise 1 - Document your model
Document your model using the provided model card template. We have provided a model card template based on Model Cards for Model Reporting paper and the {vetiver}-provided template. Complete the model card with the required information from your model. You are encouraged to provide thorough documentation and go beyond the minimum requirements if you wish to earn full credit.
Quarto supports parameterized reports, a mechanism to create different variations of a document programmatically. For this assignment we use the params
element in the YAML header to define the board location, pin name, and pin version to automatically populate some content in the model card.
You should modify the YAML header
board: !expr library(googleCloudStorageR); pins::board_gcs(bucket = "info-4940-models", prefix = "bcs88/")
name: grass-null-model
version: 20241125T162318Z-c0109
to match the board location, pin name, and pin version of your model. The provided params
are for a null model trained by the instructor.
Exercise 2 - Deploy the model
Deploy your model as an API using {vetiver} and {plumber}. It should be deployed to our course-provided web server at http://appliedml.infosci.cornell.edu. You have been given a specific port number to which your API must be deployed. If it is not hosted on that port number, we will not be able to access it and you will fail to earn credit for this portion of the assignment.
When you run your Docker image, make sure to run it in detached mode (-d
) so that it runs in the background. If you do not run it in detached mode, it will run in the foreground and will end without warning when you close your terminal or disconnect from the server. For example,
docker run -p 2001:2001 -d grass-null
For this exercise, you be evaluated on whether or not we can successfully use your API to generate predictions for the test set, as well as on the performance of your model on the test set.
Credit will be earned based based on two criteria:
- Successful deployment: Your API must be successfully deployed to the correct port number. We will evaluate this by sending a request to your API and checking that it returns a valid response.
- Model performance: Your model’s test set ROC AUC relative to the null model. The higher the increase in ROC AUC, the higher you will score on this exercise.
Generative AI (GAI) self-reflection
As stated in the syllabus, include a written reflection for this assignment of how you used GAI tools (e.g. what tools you used, how you used them to assist you with writing code), what skills you believe you acquired, and how you believe you demonstrated mastery of the learning objectives.
Render, commit, and push one last time.
Make sure that you commit and push all changed documents and your Git pane is completely empty before proceeding.
Wrap up
- Go to http://www.gradescope.com and click Log in in the top right corner.
- Click School Credentials \(\rightarrow\) Cornell University NetID and log in using your NetID credentials.
- Click on your INFO 4940/5940 course.
- Click on the assignment, and you’ll be prompted to submit it.
- Mark all the pages associated with exercise. All the pages of your homework should be associated with at least one question (i.e., should be “checked”).
- Exercise 1: 25 points
- Exercise 2: 25 points
- GAI self-reflection: 0 points
- Total: 50 points